[Messy Art] Paint Trees and Hot Plates!

Good Saturday morning mamas! How was everyone’s week!? This week has been grueling slow and exhausting for me, and I’m not sure why! Its one of those types of weeks at the end I smile and say “I made it,” and that is joy enough for me! I honestly believe its simply because I’ve cut soft drinks (almost exclusively) and without the added caffeine and sugars, I’m still on my downward plummet. I know it won’t last long, and I know I will overcome this feeling and feel {better} in the long run, but for now, its so challenging!

So, this week my crafts targeted my 3-1/2 year old. Anna actually did hot plate at 2-1/2, though I haven’t tried with my 18 month old. He’s still in the “throw on the floor when I’m done” stage, and you need glass or ceramic plates to do this.

hot plates
Basically, all you need is a microwave, glass or ceramic plate, a microwave, and the fat crayons. You can try the skinny ones on your plate of choice, on the outside edges and see how easily it washes off, but the skinny ones didn’t produce bright vibrant colors like the fat ones for us. Simply stick the plate in the microwave 30 seconds. It should be cool enough for you to carry, but warm to the touch. I told Anna the first time we did it, “it’s hot – don’t touch!” and she never has. A year later, she still asks for hot plates sometimes, and anytime I ever offer to let her do them, she never says no. It’s such a fun cause and effect activity; its fun to see the wax melt on the plate.

To clean, rewarm the plate with either the microwave or hot water, and wash with dawn. Easy!
Another activity we chose this week was tree paints. I chose it because while I wanted something new for Anna, I was much too exhausted to “get messy,” and I didn’t want her mess (that I generally encourage and love!) to annoy and frustrate me which would change her mood as well. I hate putting negative connotation on her fun, when its encouraged and teaching her!

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I painted the tree for her with a simple brush, and let her use q-tips to “dot” the tree leaves. She absolutely LOVED this activity and could not have been more content!

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